Smart Launcher Pro 1.12.9 APK Download Android application < / b>. Smart Launcher is an innovative launcher characterized by a minimalist design, low memory usage and user-friendly interface allowing you to start any application with a few strokes .
He is the only pitcher on the shop functions automatic cataloging of installed applications !
Smart Launcher Pro 1.12.9
He is the only pitcher on the shop functions automatic cataloging of installed applications !
Smart Launcher Pro 1.12.9
- Download App
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- main screen with Quick Start
- drawer organized by categories
- Ready to use without any special configuration .
- support for Live Wallpaper and screen sizes .
- support of all icons for Launcher Pro and ADW Launcher
What's in this version: ( Updated: December 9, 2013 )
- (update with the same version # are only bug fixes )
- utility backup
- folder flower
- Lockscreens ( beta )
- bar transparent state in Android 4.4 Possibility
- to edit the size of the bubbles .
- Fixed some problems with widgets.
- new languages and improved translations .
Requires Android O / S: 2.1
Screenshots screen
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Smart Launcher Pro 1.12.9
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