How To Root Any Android Without PC/Computer

What is Rooting?

Even though Android is an Open Source it doesn't give full access to user. To cross this limitations we use Rooting. Rooting is like jail-breaking, unlocking the Operating System to install any app, install custom ROM or firmware and underclock or overclock the processor to increase battery life or performance.

Advantages Of Rooting:

  • Truly own your device.
  • Uninstall Bloatware- apps that came pre-installed and are not useful and just wasting space and draining memory.
  • Free up some space by moving apps to external sd card.
  • Boost Speed and Battery life- By using apps like Greenify you can hibernate apps which are running in background and are not useful.Also by using SetCPU you can under-or-over clock your Android.
  • Make Incompatible apps Compatible.
  • Block Ads in Apps.
  • Use a Custom ROM: This is the best thing about Rooting.If you're bored from your stock ROM change it.This can change your whole user experience. You can upgrade your Android Version too like Android Lollipop or Marshmallow even. Just search Roms available for your device.

Disadvantages of Rooting:

  • As soon as you root your device, you void your Phone's warranty. But you can unroot it anytime.
  • Your Phone might get bricked, it can be a little disastrous but if you follow every step carefully there is no problem. And never forget to take backup of your Android before doing anything related to Rooting.

Now lets come to main meal.Rooting may sound scary but it's not that hard. There are two ways to Root your Android With or Without Computer, here I am going to explain the latter part which will 100% work.

i) Root Using KingoRoot:

    1. Download KingRoot Apk from HERE

    2. Now Install and then Launch Kingoroot.
    3. Now Click Root-it is one click root app. 

    4. Wait for few seconds it will process and then will show the result whether successful or not.


    5. And it's Done.

ii) Root Using FramaRoot:

    1. Download Framaroot Apk from HERE

    2. Install and Launch Framaroot..
      3. Choose "Install Superuser/Super Su" and then choose any one of available exploit.
 4. If you see Success  … Superuser and Su binary installed. You have to reboot your device” message then you have successfully rooted your phone .

    5. If you see “Failed … Try another exploit if available”  message then try selecting another exploit .
    6. And it's done.

You can use any of the above two mentioned Apps. But KingoRoot has more success rate and simple method.

If you face any problems comment below.

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